Monday, 9 May 2011

A Day in the Life of a Bookshop Help

IT is Monday and, as must be sometimes the case, I was not in an awake frame of mind even when I got up, and once at the bookshop submerged myself in news, blogs and blogging as customary. The paradoxical question of how to look and be forthcoming to customers when sitting at the computer remains unsolved;

Photo credit: Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive)
via Wikimedia Commons

The Question of Pioneer Woman

The way I discovered the website Pioneer Woman was that people on Jezebel were recommending the recipes; after looking at it three or so times and finding it impressive, I have revisited it semi-regularly since.

Among the rubrics of photographing, gardening, cooking and homeschooling life on a comfortable ranch in the American Midwest . . .

Medieval spoons from the Château de Chillon, Photo by Rama
Wikimedia Commons