Tuesday 29 March 2011

Why Is Easter Late?

From Wikimedia Commons

Given distinct memories of Easters during the final week of March, I was grumpy after learning that Easter will be on April 24th this year.

In the German public school system the question of date is weightier than in the Canadian public school system, for instance, since the Easter holidays are no piffling weekend but entire weeks of bliss, so the delayed satisfaction is even more gripping.

I am not in school, but my littlest brother is. Secondly, and more selfishly, when my mother has holidays (if she will have them during Easter this year) I am mostly off the hook regarding the stints at the bookshop (though to be honest not going to the bookshop can be boring).


ACCORDING to Wikipedia, the reason for this late date is that the Council of Nicaea decided in 325 that Easter falls on the Sunday after the first full moon after the formal spring equinox on March 21st.

In short, we are observing a one thousand six hundred and eighty-six year old rule. On the other hand the Council hadn't the slightest idea that, aside from grave religious celebration, their grand decision would be metaphorically garlanded in jelly beans and gold-wrapped chocolate Lindt bunnies with red ribbons and bells around their necks.

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